Drop Methods for Carders

Our customers constantly share with us information about how they acquire one or another product in online stores. Throughout our work, we have compiled a list of drop methods. These methods practically don’t appear in the articles and it is strange, they just have to help new carders

Here the goal is to have a minimum/no contact at all with anyone involved in the operation whether it’s the postman or any other person that provides help and access to the carded items. Drops can be found by searching for empty houses around in an area,whether it’s the by car/walk or online. It will be an empty house and if you live in the usa and a parcel requires no signature,you will just be able to walk in later and pick it off the porch. In many other parts of the world,even if a parcel requires no signature,the postman will knock on the door to deliver and if nobody is there,he will drop a note, and you will have to pick it up at the post office or other options depending where you live. The specific thing about this guide is that it will allow you to card a very lot of item to one location for a period of time,even if it does require to sign for the parcel,because you won’t have to.

General Delivery

The parcel will be delivered to the post office, in order to receive the parcel you’ll need to name the conformity identifier that is indicated on the package.

Hotel Delivery

Most likely, works worldwide

Fake ID Required

Very often hotel guests receive packages. Try to call the hotel and find out if they can take your package at the reseption during your stay (Important: think up any excuse why you can’t do it yourself) When the package is delivered to your hotel just pick up your package at the reseption. In order to do this trick you don’t even need to rent a room.

Wrong Address Delivery

Most likely, works worldwide

No Fake ID needed

Just make an order for someone else’s address. After the parcel is delivered, tell that you made a mistake and your parcel was delivered to the wrong address

Rent a House/Appartament

Works worldwide

Fake ID Required

Rent a cheap house or apartment. Then order goods at the address of the house within a month. After you finish, remove all traces behind you, leave and don’t pay rent anymore.

Empty House

Works worldwide

No Fake ID needed

It is quite simple. Ship to an empty house.

If the courier who will deliver the parcel needs your signature, then on this day you can do some work around the house or in the yard. You can also leave a note for the courier to leave the parcel and put the signature himself. Especially well work houses that are for sale.

Rent a Mailbox

Works worldwide

Fake ID Required

Around the world in different places you can rent mailboxes. Organizations that provide this service independently sign any packages. And you can log in and pick up any package from your inbox. When using this method, send packages 2 – 3 weeks. Then leave the mailbox and don’t come again. It is better to pay in cash or by bank card which is not tracked.